
15 Years Prime – Discount

For 15 years, our goal has been to provide “PRIME TIME” for all of our guests.

On October 30, 2006, Prime Mountain Sports AG (Prime for short) was founded. Even then, our slogan was “Having a Prime Time!” which at the same time embodies our vision, which we still pursue today.

We strive to provide a first class time for all our guests. So to provide you with experiences in your free time that will stay in your memory and make you take the beautiful mountain world that surrounds us to your heart.

However, it has always been the case that our guests allow us to have a wonderful time. The entire team enjoys being able to travel with you and share our knowledge with you.

We would like to thank you and look forward to your next visit to Engelberg.

For all bookings in our online shop we grant you an anniversary discount of CHF15 until December 15, 2021. To do so, use the coupon code “15YearsPrime”.

Love from your Prime Team